Machines Characteristics:The parts to be butt welded a re pneumaticaIly and hyd r aulicaIly controlled. Then firstly powe r on the machine slowly to remove the oxidants, residues and flashes on the surfaces to be welded while pushing, and let the end su rfaces of the pa rts to be welded to plasticize by heat, and quickly apply upset forging force to make the end su rfaces to be penetrated and melt welded With this welding method, the strength is high, the welding ioint is excellent, and there is no false joint, residue and ai r bubble It is widely used in the butt welding of handles of kitchen uten sils such as knife, fork, spoon and spatula, as well as the welding of ha rdwa re products such as round pipes, square pipes, round steel, flat iron, bicycle wheel rims, motor wheeI rims etc.FEATRUES: By integration of electromechanical, hydraulic and pneumatic desigh, the warming up, flashing and upset forging process are optimized. The microprocessor control and five sets of standard stored specifications enable it to be suitable for welding different parts.Technical Data: Model/ItemRated capacityPower inputMaximum short currentRated duty cycleMaximum fastening forceMaximum forging forceExternal dimensionWeightKVAVHAA%NNmmKgUN-5050380-50/60190005039001500900×800×1200350UN-7575380-50/60235005061002500900×800×1200400UN-100100380-50/60260005061002500900×800×1200435UN-150150380-50/603100050800030001350×800×16001350UN-200200380-50/603500050800030001350×800×16001450